Bosnia / Croatia Migrant situation in STERN magazine | Überblick

Going for Game in STERN magazine

Stern magazine published my story about the horrible situation on the Bosnian-Croatian Border in their end-of-the-year issue. I am forever grateful that its readers and STERN foundation together raised a 50.000 € donation for SOS Bihac, the NGO that picks up wounded migrants in the mountains between Bosnia and Croatia, depending mostly on volunteers. The money helped to buy an old yet highly functional ambulance van that actually saves lives.

Going for Game in STERN magazine

Stern magazine published my story about the horrible situation on the Bosnian-Croatian Border in their end-of-the-year issue. I am forever grateful that its readers and STERN foundation together raised a 50.000 € donation for SOS Bihac, the NGO that picks up wounded migrants in the mountains between Bosnia and Croatia, depending mostly on volunteers. The money helped to buy an old yet highly functional ambulance van that actually saves lives.
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