Calais, France
This story is not new. These photos were taken in 2005 and 2006. The situation in Calais, however, did not change, at least not for the better. Refugees keep coming. Obviously. Those who survive the murderous trip across deserts and the Mediterranean Sea and manage to sneak through Europe with destination Britain find themselves in devastating conditions in Calais. Many of them have friends or family in Britain and chances for a job are slightly higher there for those who speak English than in most other European Countries. The Channel is the last big obstacle on their way, and sometimes they have to spend weeks and months living rough in the Streets of Calais. French authorities refuse any help or assistance, claiming this would attract more refugees, and send in riot police instead to destroy shelters and squats.
Razor wire, fences and police harassment wouldn't stop desperate people then, and they won't stop them in the future. But people die here because of those barriers. Suffocated in containers, run over by trucks or electrocuted on the Eurotunnel tracks.